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Creepy Movie Sonic Doll

Photo credit: GamingChiliHedgehog

Tags: Movie Sonic Plush 2020

Yeah ok not cool dude.
Look at this creepy doll! If you've got "Tails Doll" problems, this thing would probably scare that urban-legend menace right away with that dead looking stare. The tiny arch shaped eyes, big green dot embroidery and horn-like tiny ears combine to make the face not fabulous. Then, there's the...what? Insincere looking? Big mouth smile. Of course, because it's movie it has 'big body' but instead of making the doll look fat/dumb like that problem usually does it somehow enhances the wierdness level. The shoes are poorly done-looking...like an afterthought without any detail. The white hands still come across as gloves, but without the cuff it doesn't look right at all.

Yes the movie hands were made of white fur/skin, however to get the look you'd need the hand fabric to be fuzzy like the body fabric but with the only difference being it's white...they didn't do that here. You can see the official cloth tag on the side of him with the in-color logo. 

Additional Info

  • Year: 2020
  • Region: Unknown


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