• Show prototype screen shots
    Show prototype screen shots
    A prototype...for a show?That's right. These are 4 fake screen shots for the prototype of SatAm Sonic tv show. These likely appared in a trade magazine or possibly a brochure for the show. They are shaped like that, because it was to resemble the old style shape of the TV…
    in Prototypes

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Sega Superstars Tennis poster

Photo credit: Rhia

Tags: Sega Superstars Tennis Poster United Kingdom

To celebrate the release of Sega Superstars Tennis, N*Revolution magazine enclosed a poster. This one is a group shot with most of the characters from the game, headlined, of course, by Sonic. Upon inspection you can also see AiAi the monkey from Monkey Ball, Ulala from Space Channel 5, the Jet Grind/Set Radio guy, NiGHTS (as it appeared in the Wii game) and Amigo the monkey from Samba De Amigo. Eggman is looking smug in the background, though no one would suspect him of wanting to play tennis against people who can fly and run faster than the speed of sound.

Additional Info

  • Region: Europe


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