• Red "Go Sonic Go" shirt
    Red "Go Sonic Go" shirt
    This red double tee is from Tesco. It says "Go Sonic Go" in a blocky textured font, with classic style 'getting ready to run' Sonic as a nice large art. The red surprisingly doesn't really clash with his shoes, and it maintains a classic feel without resorting to 'fake wear'…
    in Classic Clothing

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Fast looking Sonic X wall scroll

Photo credit: Rae_Logan

Tags: Wall Scroll United States Sonic X

This Sonic X wall scroll looks fast!
Sonic, Shadow, and Tails seem to be zooming by their names on this wall scroll. With an unusual dark background, the characters really stand out, despite the speed blur effect. You can see the "Sonic Project" logo in the bottom corner, as well as the Sonic X logo, which is a bit large for a non-design element on something like this, but it is still an innovative design and not something we've seen a zillion times.
There is supposed to be a coloring error on one of Sonic's hands. However, you can't see it in this photo. Is it on all scrolls?

Additional Info

  • Region: America


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