• Paper Cone Party Hats
    Paper Cone Party Hats
    More paper cone shaped party hats. Why is wearing a cone shaped hat part of a party? Who knows! But these sure do have Sonic all over them. It uses the same art as the cup from this same party set. You can see part of the modern logo down…
    in Hats

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Sonic and the Black Knight wobbler

Photo credit: SegaEU

Tags: Wobbler Sonic & The Black Knight Japan Promo

What's a wobbler?
Who knows, but this is supposed to be a photo of 3 of them. They look like some kind of paper or cardboard tag with a strap? Maybe you hang it from something and it flops around? This is a give-away item, probably a booth item from a convention. It is to advertise Sonic & Black Knight. You can see the release date on there & the game's title in that specific metallic textured font they used. 

Additional Info

  • Region: Asia


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