• Long sleeve Sonic shirt with unusual hat
    Long sleeve Sonic shirt with unusual hat
    Now here's an...interesting combo?This long sleeve blue sweat shirt comes with a rather unusual looking hat. It's all classical theme, with classic logo on the top of the chest area. The hat's classic too...of course it's forward facing Sonic done partially in 3D like one of the 'cosplay caps'. However,…
    in Hats

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Toy Island Space Fighters prototypes

Photo credit: larryinc64

Tags: Toy Island Space Fighters Prototype

Here are the prototypes to Toy Islands' Space Fighters line. Knuckles looks pretty much the way you can get him now, but Shadow is a bit different. The first SF line run had him with a helmet (that didn't look too good) but this one is without. He also has a longer hilt to his sword than was ever released. (presumably, they figured everyone would lose this bottom small bit, as it snaps in to his pinky-finger side) The colors used on his suit are also much brighter.

Additional Info

  • Region: America
  • Brand: Toy Island


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