• 90s Tails plush from Tomy
    90s Tails plush from Tomy
    At left, you see the Tomy (Foot-bottom-tag) Tails. He was made in the early 1990s, and is about 13 inches high. As you can see, he has no glove belts, and fuzzy shoes. His bangs are also smooth pieces of felt. He was released alongside the Sonic who also had…
    in Tomy

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Jazwares Sonic all-stars racing figures prototype illustrations

Photo credit: Sonic Car art discovered by HoggerTheHedgehog, Other car arts discovered by News 4 Kids, published by ToyGlobe

Tags: Jazwares Prototype

Jazwares will be releasing vehicles on their 3rd line, apparently.
The 3rd line is being released for Sega All-Stars Racing, the video game, and will contain figures of the 6 main Sonic characters to appear in it, along with their vehicles they use in the game.

Seen at left is NOT a picture of anything. It is low-res sprites from the game (vehicles) and butchered stock art that existed already cut apart to make the characters look like they are in/on their rides. Notice Knuckles has 2 of the same exact hand and Shadow's body is a compilation of his poses, etc. The other version of this image has the pre-existing figures ONLY (Shadow, Sonic, Knuckles, Tails) standing next to the same exact shots of their vehicles OR vehicle art only. That is also a "mash up" meant to create the illusion that it is showing you this new line, when really it is showing you figures from the first 2 lines only.

Due for release Feb. 2010, close to the release of the game. By this point TRU should have lost its exclusive.

www.toyglobe.com is taking pre-orders for the figures but do note their information is cribbed directly from a Sega release about the GAME (not the figures) so it mentions Aiai and other characters in the game that JW has never said they'd do.

In the gallary is the possible box for the above figures. It isn't really a box, it's just a low res image of some possible art. Notice a nice checkered edge with die-cut corner (difficult for bootleggers to knock off, a good move!) The logo appears at the bottom, likely with the individual name-plate for who is inside. Jazwares HAS changed box styles in the past from early images like this, so it is likely to remain on prototypes.

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