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Toyfair germany Tomy prototypes

Photo credit: Taaron

Tags: Prototype Germany ToyFair Coin 1991

Toyfair of Germany 2016 reveals these 3 new classic style figures.
They're likely to be by Tomy, who showed many other items there. (Photo is close so you can't tell if it's their booth) These figures each come with a coin that's silver on one side & yellowish/goldtone on the other. The coins all feature nice looking neoclassic art corresponding to the character it comes with. Flying Tails, pointing Sonic, & arms crossed Knuckles.
If you look carefully at the Knuckles leg top joints you can see he's probably articulated (and if he is, so are the others) They look nice & classic, Tails is cute & if the articulation is quality, they'll be great to collect. The only problem is with Knuckles' lower face. It doesn't cover the red that's at the bottom of his eyes, so he looks off. Hopefully this is corrected before the release. 

In the gallary is a closer look at the 'figures & coins' seen above. They're obviously fresh protos, as Tails is missing the white for the inside of his ears, his right wrist isn't snapped on all the way & Knuckles has suffered a rub/scuff to the paint on his nose. The joints are also a little bit paintey. Then, the matter of the coins....The Tails Coin has the eye detail left out, making it look mis-matched & wierd. All 3 appear to be either adjusted actual classic stock arts or are neoclassic.
Notice the date on all 3 of them is 1991, which doesn't really work for Tails or Knuckles, as they were introduced later. The figures look good so far, if they fill the details in & correct the few little issues, these will measure up to the JW classic small figure line. 

Additional Info

  • Year: 2016
  • Region: Europe


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