• Sonic Beans & Sausages cans
    Sonic Beans & Sausages cans
    These cans are supposed to contain Beans & Sausages. Being canned goods, you have to think that said ingredients would be suspended in...some sort of liquid. But really, what kind of thick goo could be fit to pour over...beans & sausages? Tomato sauce, apparently. And how exactly are such things…
    in Food & Drinks

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This is a whole page of 'concept' items. It's not really a prototype yet, because nothing you see here is a physical item. It's just some concept & CG type mock up stuff. It is the "Ladies Fashion & Accessories" page from the "Classic Sonic Style Guide". The Style Guide is an industry type (not for the public) book on how to place Sonic designs on merchandise & exactly what colors everything should be. The guide includes some examples of items that did get made, but also proposes these. (WERE they made? Write in if you have proof/photo of an actual item from this page) You can see a "Let's Roll" Sonic face tee, a neo-classic jumping Sonic tank top, a ST&K tote bag, Sonic & Amy ball cap, mini-boxers type shorts/underwear with Sonic & circle theme, some flat sole lace up sneakers with Sonic print all over (and the unique feature of colored art of Sonic printed right on the sole! That's new!), Sonic & Amy theme pencils and an Amy neo classic notebook with "Supersonic" and "Have no Fear!" printed across it. They're all good ideas, especially the shoes in adult sizes which would be good for boys or girls.


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