• Segaprize Europe plushes set 2
    Segaprize Europe plushes set 2
    Segaprize Europe made another set of plushes (first set is seen on UK plush 2 here) This 2nd set is similar to the first, with small differences. First of all, the colored parts to the eyes are embroidered with slightly shiny thread (a nice & quality touch). Next, Knuckles' proportions…
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Puma shoes prototypes

Photo credit: Taaron

Tags: Prototype Puma Shoes

Interesting Shoes-News!
These every-size sneakers are a collaberation between the famous brand Puma shoes & Sega. These are "Sonic theme Shoes", and they will be in teens & adults sizes so (finally) a shoe for Sonic that any fan will be able to fit into.
(The previous problem being Sonic shoes, scarce as they always were, would only appear in tiny or child sizes so fans were missing out on something to wear)
The shoes are...sort of Sonic themed? Yeah there's blue fabric & red on the sole but...aqua? Yellow? And why does the fabric look like it's dirty, covered in lint and dog-hair? It looks old & pilly not fast and cool. Who chose these? The most "Sonic" thing about them is the toungue tag up there. Every company ever has created some generic blue shoe before...so what's up?

*Clearly they are going for an "Adult Look" which means no pictures of cartoon characters all over the place, but it IS possible to have a more subtle design without creating a really generic looking item like what's here. Part of good design is being able to create a 'flavor' and maintain a 'balance'. 

And Eggman also gets a Puma shoe!
Here comes the Sonic themed shoe again as well. This time, it loses the poor choice of aqua/white sole & it's replaced with white. The tread is still red & the better lighting reveals some yellow & green checkering where the upper merges to the lower for the shoe. Notice the tiny detail on both of these there on the laces:
The laces are decorated with a group of 3 gold rings for each.
The Eggman shoe is actually VERY appropriate for Eggman. It has gray/steel look for the sole, a slick/shiny red upper & brings in Eggman's favorite black/yellow caution stripe pattern for the center. THIS shoe is a very good example of subtle character based design! It SAYS "Eggman" without Eggman being anywhere pictured/written. As a fan you know instantly who the shoe is for. The Sonic one? Not so much...pilly 'rustic' inappropriate fabric, putting green hill into it somehow, lack of stripe/buckle lack of gold....it just doesn't remind of Sonic the way the Eggman shoe does.

Eggman fans rejoice!
Eggman now has something that's better than Sonic's thing. It's a shoe just for you! However, as a Sonic fan this is also really cool because the villain needs to shine too & stuff just for him is uncommon. 

Additional Info

  • Region: International
  • Brand: Puma


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