• Promotional mini notepad
    Promotional mini notepad
    This is a thin, mini note pad that's likely to be a promo-give-away type item. Likely promotional because it's advertising oriented, showing you Megadrive pictures, Sonic 1 screen shot, claw machine/UFO & the prize plushes you can win in it. Buyable items don't tend to be quite so merch-promoting. The…
    in School Supplies

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Werehog Kelly Toy prototype plush

Photo credit: PatMac


A real rarity!
Now HERE's something you'll not likely see anywhere else. It's Kelly Toy's prototype Werehog plush doll. Kelly Toy was going to add the Werehog to their line up, but they didn't. However, at least 1 prototype plush was produced.

The tag close up reads "not for sale" and has slots for you to write in the lot / batch type numbers to identify the doll. It is not an ordinary tag, it's one reserved for the factory/prototype.
The doll itself....is kind of goofy looking though. First off, it lacks eye shines, making it have a 'blank stare'. They were trying for the 'larger lower face' but it's a bit wrinkly/bit big-nose. He has a big mouth with embroidered vampire-fang teeth...but it's kind of wiggly & silly looking on the plush. There are felt claws, and little rubber 'traction dots' to represent his 'shoe sole spikes' from the (preposterous) transforming were-shoes. They were also clearly attempting to get the changed ears & different hip/leg layout going as well.
The werehog is just such a super odd / wacky creature that was supposed to be 'scary' but because it was so wacky it kind of couldn't be. This doll is the same. (Oddly, no company ever thought to make an actual shaggy werehog out of furry fabric.) Why this got cancelled is unknown. Photos & owned by Pat Mac

Do you want a closer look at this? You can watch the Werehog Prototype Plush Video! All done by PatMac

Todo: Secure the videos

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