• Show prototype screen shots
    Show prototype screen shots
    A prototype...for a show?That's right. These are 4 fake screen shots for the prototype of SatAm Sonic tv show. These likely appared in a trade magazine or possibly a brochure for the show. They are shaped like that, because it was to resemble the old style shape of the TV…
    in Prototypes

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Here are 2 cases for the iphone. At left you've got an interesting one, as it uses classic style Amy, with neo-classic art for her. She's on a pink checker background, with old-school looking font for her name in one corner. The classic logo sits at the bottom. Classic Amy doesn't turn up on merchandise much, especially not alone. Amy collectors might want to keep an eye on this. The right is a neutral Chao themed case. If the design looks familiar (dancin' chao, cheering chao, thinking chao) it shares the design & background with a notebook over on school supplies. This is a cute case for your phone. Each case is 13.49, which is middling for a plain (nothing like bumpers/waterproofing/etc) case like this in 2013. You can find both at www.poweranime.com .


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