• Great Eastern Shadow the Hedgehog plush
    Great Eastern Shadow the Hedgehog plush
    Great Eastern has recently entered the world of Sonic plush, by selling quite a few of them at conventions and other areas. These sometimes show up on ebay, but for high prices. As you can see here, the quality looks pretty good. He certainly beats anything ToyNetwork has tossed out,…
    in Great Eastern

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SegaSonic Snowboard

Photo credit: SonicX89

Tags: Snowboard SegaSonic France 1991

This Sonic Snowboard is an interesting item!
But it's biggest question is 'is it a real item, or a fake?' Even the owner doesn't know if it's for real or not. It doesn't have any 'hallmarks of a bootleg' or cruddy art. DJ Sonic was always a common theme, through-out his releases. It says SegaSonic on the top (under the feet straps) and also above the graphic on the bottom. The art is a little odd, but it's not phony looking or terrible. It seems well made. This was bought in 1998. However it DOES have a Sega copyright 1991 on it (seen in red, just below 'hedgehog') DaKine seems to be the maker, and it was both bought and sold in France. Original owner unknown. Certainly, it is an uncommon piece. 

Additional Info

  • Year: 1991
  • Region: Europe


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