• Indoor Play Sonic Cover
    Indoor Play Sonic Cover
    Here's something pretty unusual. It's the cover of a magazine most people likely don't know exists. It's likely a "Trade", a publication only for a certain, really narrow niche. In this case, it's the "Indoor Play Sector" of only the UK area. This would include things like amusement parks, arcades,…
    in Magazines

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Now here's something you CAN get in 2019. It's the Sonic Boom Season 1 Action Figure DVD set. The DVD is over 4 hours of content and contains all of Season 1's episodes. It also comes with a regular Sonic & Eggman figure inside the box.
While anyone who collected figures at all would already have these, it's a nice thing to add for new fans, or, just for displaying the show in a collection. It's better than some plastic DVD case by itself.
Naturally it's on Amazon Sonic Boom Figure DVD Pack starting in Fall 2019. It should be around $ until it sells out.

*These are the usual Tomy figures. It's suspected Tomy didn't sell as many of these as it wanted to, so packing them in with a DVD is an ok idea to shift the stock since the Boom games didn't do well and Boom didn't get renewed as a show so the whole style is probably going away, plus Tomy lost the license anyway.

This DVD has also been seen in europe for around € 20

Additional Info

  • Year: 2019
  • Region: International
  • Brand: International
  • Price list: € 20 at Amazon Germany


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