• Sonic Curtain holder
    Sonic Curtain holder
    What do you hold your curtains back with? Why, a curtain-tie of course! This is a fun, modified Sonic plush doll. It has a cord between the hands that pulls over a plastic button. Tie back your curtains with a cute plush. It would be great if there was a…
    in Home Decor

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Sonic X themed Sonic & Shadow shirt

Photo credit: DarkwingUK

Tags: Sonic X United Kingdom Shirt

This is a Sonic X themed shirt, which uses the 'jumping' art for both Sonic & Shadow. They're faced opposing eachother, with some random yellowish explosions in the foreground & background. Is it to imply a clash? Shadow's name is at the top in a different font. The shirt looks a bit washed out, but that's because a ray of sunlight is falling directly on it in the photo. This was released during (not at the start of) Sonic X. 

Additional Info

  • Region: Unknown


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