• Classic Tails 3.5" with grabber
    Classic Tails 3.5" with grabber
    Classic Tails is great, he's really cute. He has an additional eyeshine, & his open mouth is actually nicely cut into the figure. He looks happy & fun, which is really appropriate. Some may have a bit of poorly applied paint (see the ear at right), so always inspect before…
    in Jazwares

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Sonic X socks Tags: SonicX Socks

Many pairs of Socks. These are made by Mighty Media Co. It is unknown where they are sold. Once in a while a pair shows up on Ebay. They're not that expensive. Also, why is there a random pink pair in the back? They have different colored 'foot sections' for the various white tops. Pricing and sizes are unknown, as well as the maker or available stores that carry them.


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