• Jazwares classic 6-pack re-release
    Jazwares classic 6-pack re-release
    What is this mystery multi pack?It seems to be that Jazwares is releasing First4Figures' mini PVC classics to stores, but under their own name. F4F does not appear anywhere on the box, though these are their sculpts, so they must of completely sold off the right to do this, somehow.…
    in Jazwares

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This is an odd one for summer...being as it has pants, a long-sleeve and quilted vest thing!
But, it was released in the spring so here you go. The jacket has Sonic, arrows and a quilted texture. The long-sleeve T shirt is the same design as the red sweat-shirt. What makes the pants "Sonic"? We don't know. There should be an embroidered Sonic or "X" somewhere on them, but it's not in the shot.
Gear does not own this suit because it was primarily available at Kohls stores...


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