• Sonic Sweet Chocolate Cake
    Sonic Sweet Chocolate Cake
    It seems Joypolis is back in action, with this offering of neatly packaged chocolate sponge cake. The cake is pre-cut into cubes and shown with a little pick like object on top, presumably for getting it out. It is supposed to be good chilled. The old running Sonic stock art…
    in Food & Drinks

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For Sonic's 10th Anniversary, they released a nice free kit of Sonic stuff. This is actually a cardboard box with gold foil embossing on it, which makes it difficult to scan or photograph. (it is mirror-like) You can feel the indented design. This box contains a CD, a special metal coin, and a booklet about Sonic. It's HIGHLY collectible, and appears (opened/display) elsewhere on the site.*

The CD has a nice selection of Sonic music throughout the years, and across the systems. If you want a great sampling of Sonic music, this is a wonderful one to collect, both because of historical Sonic signifigance, and the nice variety.


Disc One (60:02)
Sonic the Hedgehog
1) Title Music 0:12
2) Green Hill Zone 2:25
3) Star Light Zone 1:38
4) Special Stage 1:54
5) Final Zone 1:16
6) All Clear 0:21
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
7) Emerald Hill Zone 1:40
8) Casino Night Zone 2:15
9) Special Stage 1:44
10) All Clear 1:17
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and Sonic & Knuckles
11) Title Music from Sonic 3 0:20
12) Title Music from Sonic & Knuckles 0:21
13) Angel Island Zone 2:24
14) Sky Sanctuary Zone 2:13
15) Special Stage 2:23

Sonic Mega-CD
16) Sonic - You Can Do Anything 1:34
17) Cosmic Eternity - Believe in Yourself 3:36
Sonic R
18) Super Sonic Racing 4:04
19) Can You Feel the Sunshine? 5:06
20) Number One 4:02
Sonic Adventure
21) Open Your Heart 5:12
22) My Sweet Passion 5:12
Sonic Adventure 2
23) Sonic Adventure 2 Mix - Sonic's Theme, City Escape, Tail's Theme, Knuckles' Theme, Shadow's Theme, Rouge's Theme, Eggman's Theme, Main Theme 8:53

Sonic 10th Anniversary Sound


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