• SegaSonic NiGHTS gold metal pins
    SegaSonic NiGHTS gold metal pins
    This pin pack needs more information.This is a simple carded package of 3 of the same gold-tone round metal pin. It has a star-ring edge & Sonic's face on the front. The confusing part is why the package is labeled "Segasonic & NiGHTS" NiGHTS came out quite "late" in terms…
    in Pins & Badges

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This album is Passion & Pride. It released in September of 2014. The subtitle is "Anthems with attitude from the Sonic Adventure Era". This is the first time the UK slogan "with attitude" has been used on anything since before the SA era, so it's odd to have it pop up now, on an international item. The cover art is also very "SA" looking, with the BDG (Big Dumb Grin/bent teeth) Also look at his headphones. He may be able to hear them, but certainly, they are not on his ears. Try to order it on Amazon, or ask for it in music stores if there are any left.

At the right is another version of "Passion & Pride", it is described as "Instrumental Only" songs from the Sonic Adventure era. However, the first Passion & Pride CD, that you can see right above, also had instrumental only songs on it as well. Are these new / a different selection only, or are some duplicates? The album cover is pretty creative, it's a black/white/gray version of the original, but with scattered stars instead of a ring of stars. This may be in the Sonic Gear Music Store.

 Disc 1
1.It Doesn’t Matter
2.Believe In Myself
3.Unknown from M.E.
4.My Sweet Passion
5.Lazy Days -Livin’ in Paradise-
6.Theme of “Dr. Eggman”
7.Theme of “E-102?”
Taken from “SONIC ADVENTURE”(1998) 8.It Doesn’t Matter
9.Believe In Myself
10.Unknown from M.E.
11.Throw It All Away
13.Fly In The Freedom
Taken from “SONIC ADVENTURE 2”(2001) 14.[Bonus Track] It Doesn’t Matter -RMX 2.014k-

 Disc 2
1.It Doesn’t Matter (Instrumental)
2.Believe In Myself (Instrumental)
3.Unknown from M.E. (Instrumental)
4.My Sweet Passion (Instrumental)
5.Lazy Days -Livin’ in Paradise- (Instrumental)
Taken from “SONIC ADVENTURE”(1998) 6.It Doesn’t Matter (Instrumental)
7.Believe In Myself (Instrumental)
8.Unknown from M.E. (Instrumental)
9.Throw It All Away (Instrumental)
10.E.G.G.M.A.N. (Instrumental)
11.Fly In The Freedom (Instrumental)
Taken from “SONIC ADVENTURE 2”(2001) 12.[Bonus Track] It Doesn’t Matter -RMX 2.014k- (Instrumental)

 Passion Pride Instrumental


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