• Toddler mini backpack
    Toddler mini backpack
    This item is titled the "Toddler Mini Backpack". However, it is probably just a smaller than usual school bag that anyone could use. It is only 12 inches high (where usual packs are 16 to 18) so you could only store smaller items in it. It's all blue with black…
    in Prototypes

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Finally, a new Sonic retail display item appears.
It took till 2021 to get him back in the toy aisle, but here it is . This modern CG Sonic & modern logo appears in the aisles of Target stores anywhere in the USA in the summer of 2021. He's, of course, to go over the Jakks Pacific action figure and play set area which is in the video game toys aisle. There aren't any Sonic toys on the pegs here because they seem to be difficult for Target to keep it in stock. It's good to see Sonic making a splash in the fun aisle again.

Additional Info

  • Year: 2021
  • Region: America


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