• Sonic boy's swim trunks from Walmart
    Sonic boy's swim trunks from Walmart
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    in Classic Clothing

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Tomy Sonic Comic Pack Tags: TODO

TODO: info about this actual comic pack

Sometimes things don't go right at the toy factory.
In this case, it's Tomy's packaging for the "2 Pak Figures & Comic". The box is for Knuckles, but the figures & comic inside feature Sonic instead. It's their version of Modern & Classic Sonic, with Sonic Universe issue 75. The swirly dot there is telling you about the comic (32 pages) This has the 'pixel edge' for the box window, continuing their theme for their (scarcer) non-Boom stuff.

Sonic Comic Pack MistakePhoto by Dustin Lee Autry

Additional Info

  • Region: Unknown


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