• Sonic the Hedgehog striker shirt
    Sonic the Hedgehog striker shirt
    A sports themed Sonic tee!This one features Sonic doing soccer / football in a 'sports card' shaped design. (Like, a collectible card) He is altered stock art, where the shoes-soles are changed to soccer style, he is in light blue shorts & a red tee shirt. The bottom of the…
    in Classic Clothing

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3 inch Sticks figure

Photo credit: Dustin Lee Autry

Tags: Tomy Figure United States Sonic Boom

Here's the first MIB shot of the 3 inch scale Sticks figure. The packaging for these looks like it will all be the same, just with the name changed at the bottom. The bottom card covers the figures' legs & feet which is unfortunate on a toy that really has a design focus on shoes. She looks pretty dynamic here, but remember these do not have elbow or knee joints. How much does this figure cost?

Additional Info

  • Region: International
  • Brand: Tomy


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