• SuperSonic (Record, casette & CD)
    SuperSonic (Record, casette & CD)
    What is this bizzarre oldskool object! A record of some kind. Who ever heard of a Sonic record that you need some kind of record player to play? It was probably done out of the novelty of the concept. It is the only record of Sonic music.The cover is somewhat…
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Sonic Boom Eggman & Metal Sonic figures

Photo credit: PatMac

Tags: Sonic Boom Tomy Figure

Tomy releases the factory photo for their much-anticipated Metal Sonic action figure. Here, he's with their Boom Eggman, because they will be sold as a figure 2-pack. The new Eggman figure looks fine, naturally, because their previous one was.
The Metal, however, is somewhat lack-luster. No silver-tone paint? He looks drab in gray. No detail or texture for the chest engine? Even Jazwares tiny figures had that. Although he looks like he should have lots of joints, he probably won't, as Tomy does not bother with a lot of articulation like JW did. The paint (though gray) looks fine, and the proportions seem like the game. (Boom did not change much in the style of Metal Sonic, perhaps a little taller, but nothing super "Boomstyle" about it--so this could be a figure for everyone)

Tomy has opened a website www.SonicTomyToys.com , to showcase their Boom Figures.

Additional Info

  • Region: International
  • Brand: Tomy


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