Watch the paint on Shadow, they can put his red eye-edge literally onto his eye for a wierd look!
Shadow unfortunatly suffers some on this line. His hands are WAY not as good as any Sonic hand, as seen here. There's almost no detail to the fingers. His nose is HUGE and his mouth is quite round, instead of the famous 'downward smirk' that his fans love so well. His body also suffers from being nearly 2 dimensional! It is flat like a pizza-slice and it really shows. Who did they have sculpting this guy? Also the bottoms of his shoes are blank, where they should have the glide-emitting holes.
For a figure with such high expectations, this guy doesn't really deliver. He's mediocre at best...but don't let this stop you getting him! Shadow stuff is always popular, and this figure is not likely to do you wrong in your collection.
This figure is sure to make some people mad! Why? Because it's BETTER than what the USA got. This is a real MegaBot Shadow, but look at his face! It's so much better than the USA why DIDNT they pick this one? That is a mystery to solve. No "round-mouth" here, just the expected line/frown thing which he needs.
THIS Shadow is from Europe and Canada, and was released by another company (not ToyIsland) there. Why did they make a better head and then NOT let the USA have it? Why make 2 heads at all?
The photo to the far left is from an ebay auction, proving that the figure WAS actually released and is not just some prototype. Compare this good face to the more common one above...
Owned by CulturePopToysHere is a close up of the above 'better head Shadow', this one is thought to be from Canada. This in the box photo proves he did get a general release, but he's still rare anyway--especially because he's a lot better than the regular one. The package for this one has been damaged (nose rub, etc) & the arm has fallen off inside, but the proof is on the better face.
Discovered by Dustin Lee Autry
Here is "Better Face Shadow" turn-around.
You can see that not only is the face better, but the spikes are also completely different too! Why make 2 heads & then only really use one? Why choose the one that's clearly much worse? The 'better head' Shadow is much rare-er than the rotten looking normal one. This head still isn't perfect, as you can see, but it's still superior to the round white nonsense-mouth & terrible expression of the ordinary one. Of course, this one is worth more money because everyone would much rather collect & display it instead.
Discovered by JS hedgehog
Discovered by JS hedgehog
Discovered by JS hedgehog