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Missile Wrist the Robot:
Whimsical wielder of tethered projectiles. It is good to see that Toy Island is giving some of the badguys (obscure or not) some decent figures.

Missile Wrist is a rather odd addition to the line.
This robot was one of the first robots that Eggman sent after our heroes in the Sonic X tv show. It was rather un-charismatic, and non-important in the grand scheme of things, however...here it is. This figure makes it look almost whimsical and fun. (although it was really a destructive badguy) It's quite pose-able, and will even sit down, adding to its odd charm.
It is obviously different than all the other figures. It's not as big as it was in the show (if it was, it'd be the size of the mega bot!) but it is still fairly large. The 'dome light/eye' is what lights up for it. You can extend both parts of the arms, and rotate the bottom of the arm 360 degrees to simulate missile firing, which is a nice touch. It has huge feet, so it's pretty stable too. The arms twist at the shoulders, and the legs at the hips. The 'knees' will also go 360. It is all hard plastic, with some paint details. This one has a really bright light! You can use him for a flashlight.
Made him turn at the head (to a limited degree of course, due to the wiring, but put some stops on him)
Made him turn at the waist, it would be simple and the joint wouldn't look dumb. Just have him able to rotate there
The LEDs are colored according to the rods, to better help it match when it lights up. This is a nice touch. Missile Wrist's light is blue.




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