• NKok Sonic & Sega All Stars racing light & sound cars
    NKok Sonic & Sega All Stars racing light & sound cars
    NKOK didn't stop with remote control RC racers, they also have these All Stars Racing Light & Sound Racers. Here's Knuckles in the Land Breaker, which has working headlights, makes noise, and moves. It's not radio control, so it likely just goes forward. The modeling for the Landbreaker looks a…
    in Nkok

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Toy Network Eggman plush

Photo credit: Roxi

Tags: Eggman Toy Network United States Plush

The older ToyNetwork plushes seem to pull through again here, withe their decent Eggman. Like the above Big, he's pretty well on-model especially with all the detailing they had to do for his coat. His mustache is felt, but his glasses have a shine spot on them and they paid attention to his shoes. Yes, he is wearing his signature goggles, but since they're only felt, they're flat on his head and not visible from streight on. You can see his tag here too, making him the 2nd official USA released Eggman plush.

Additional Info

  • Region: America
  • Brand: Toy Network


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