• Prima's Sonic Adventure stratagy guide
    Prima's Sonic Adventure stratagy guide
    This strategy guide WAS popular, & sold well. It is made by the competing strategy guide company Prima. It was also used in promotions by game stores to add to purchases of Sonic Adventure 1, even though it wasn't billed as 'official strategy guide' (notice how it says Prima's official…
    in Game Guides

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 This shirt looks more like something you'd find at Sears, but, it is instead a WalMart offering. A blue-scale Sonic is big & bold going all the way from the collar to near the bottom. "Sonic" written in an italic font adds interest by being vertical. With the newer art and interesting presentation for it, this shirt seems fresh. The price is right too, at only around 8 dollars. Shirt is in the SonicGear Collection. Available summer 2011. 

 Catch if you can shirtOwned by Anitradenise

This is a shirt found at Wal Mart in summer 2011. Should be around the 'boys character tees' area. It has the newer jumping Sonic stock art in a stripey spiral for the background. A comic book style font says "Catch me if you can" in contrasting red/orange. It has a good price, at only around 8 dollars. Shirt is in the SonicGear Collection. 

 Sonic faces shirt

Similar to the 9 classic faces of Sonic shirt seen above, this one has 9 faces for Modern Sonic. Each box background is black, and the whole shirt is blue, for a coordinated look. He mostly has a similar expression in each panel, so it's mostly just different poses and angles for him. The modern logo sits at the top, with rows of little stars for interest. This is available at WalMart in the USA . It should be about $7.99, and is in youth sizes (meaning, if you get 'big' it may fit adults) Appeared in 2011. Item is in the SonicGear Collection. Price info by FreeRiderFox


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