• Sonic chain wallet with SA1 stock art
    Sonic chain wallet with SA1 stock art
    Yet another Sonic wallet! This one is all black leather, with snap-closure & chain w/clip. The back has the modern Sonic logo, and the interior is plain, with slots for cards & 1 clear pannel. The design is the arm-cross SA1 Sonic stock art. It has embroidered details (for toughness)…
    in Wallets

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Sonic Powerchip+

Photo credit: Red

Tags: Charger United Kingdom

This is a Sonic themed multi-divice, multi-method charger by Power Chimp. You can charge devices in the car, with AA batteries, or by plugging it into a USB port on a PC. It will charge the PSP, the DSi, the DSLite, a mobile phone, and your ipod. The Sonic detail seems to be on the package, and the main unit only. 

Additional Info

  • Region: Europe


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