• Classic Sonic the Hedgehog Target shirt
    Classic Sonic the Hedgehog Target shirt
    With Sears, Walmart and Kohls getting their own exclusive Sonic shirts, Target is not far behind. This shirt is good if you don't want to shell out for the very similar Hot Topic version, or if you need a smaller one. Yes, the larger sizes are somewhat reasonable, but it's…
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Sonic 2007 Happy Meals

Photo credit: McDonalds

Tags: McDonalds 2007 Europe

This set of toys has been released in the summer/fall of 2007, in Europe. The photo is from Finland McDonalds. These are half of the promotion. The "Girls Half" is Hello Kitty merchandise.
As you can see, they've gone back to toy-toys rather than LCD mini-games, as has been a trend lately. One looks like a frizbee, and the "Sonic Spinner" is supposed to rotate, but does not do very well, reports say. Info. and notification credit goes to Risutaru-chan. 

In the gallary is san actual fan photo of one. This is the Sonic rolling wheel. When you use the winder on the side, it makes the plastic Sonic inside spin around quickly, causing the clear wheel to go spinning along the floor. With this detail, you can see the 'spikes' texture on the side of the wheel, and get an idea of how big it is. Photo & owned by Shadouge. This was confirmed to be from France (though photo above was Finland...so it must have been all over Europe.)

1.Sonic flying disc-While it is a flying disc the interesting part is that there is a sonic figure INSIDE the disc (can be seen through a hole ) and inside the disc, mirrors surround the Sonic figure. It creates a illusion so that the sonic figure appeares OUTSIDE the toy...So not only is it like a frizbee, but it's like one of those "Magic Eye Saucer illusions". It has been tested and it works. (but really, why encourage throwing mirrors around??)
2. Sonic Spinner. there are to lights on it which can be turned on using a switch. The light color is red. so you use the stick thing to spin it. But you have to push the sonic picture to a side first so it has 4 sides and can spin but it's not that good at spinning.
3. Speed globe. It is a laucher the sonic figure it it has BLACK eyes for some reason, his shoes are sclupted correctly but all painted ALL red. I have 2 of thoose and both their launchers are jammed. (Could be a problem for the line)
This McDonalds' Line appeared in Singapore in 2008.
All above info provided by: FelixFox1991

Additional Info

  • Year: 2007
  • Region: Europe
  • Brand: McDonalds


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