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    Sonic Unleashed ad
    The art direction for this ad is actually pretty great. Having the sihlouette of the werehog scratching into the stark white page, then filling it up with screen shots makes it look rather classy. The logo & regular Sonic are well placed, & the tagline is "The Difference is Night…
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Monster Hunter Ultimate Sonic Felyne

Photo credit: Taaron

Tags: Virtual

This is a sort of cameo / appearance double item. In the game Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, you could meet "Felyne" which is a cat type helper animal thing. As a sort of bonus content in 4, you can dress up your Felyne with this Sonic costume. It has gloves, shoes, spikes & a blue suit. Instead of the regular belly dot though, it is a cartoon paw-print. Notice the regular felyne arms (striped) as the suit has no sleeves.
But that's not all! You can also arm it with Caliburn, Sonic's sword from Sonic & Black Knight game. (Monster Hunter games use a lot of weapons /swords so having the special sword as a cameo item as well makes sense. This is a fun extra! 

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  • Related Game: Monster Hunter Ultimate


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