• Ez Games Sonic hotel box
    Ez Games Sonic hotel box
    Is this a Sonic Electronic item?Techincally...no. Sega never made this & had no real hand in it. But, what it IS, is a relic of the past that is at least interesting to have a look at and understand. In various hotels in the USA, you could find this "EZ…
    in Electronics

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Sonic hinge style wallet Tags: 10s Wallet 2010

Yet another wallet! This wallet is called 'hinge style' but what exactly does that mean? It looks like a simple fold. Unlike the others, it's a mix of classic and modern styles. The Sonic stock is quite a nice classic one, but the modern blue checker background and speed lines/rays give it a more modern look. His name uses a new version of a familiar font. This is due for release in summer 2010, and should be available at several online stores when it appears.


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