• 2 Sonic X Amy Rose Shirts
    2 Sonic X Amy Rose Shirts
    More Amy! To the left, 3 circles highlight 3 different Amys, with breezy happy (new!) Amy Rose at the top. The background has blue outline flowers on a white and blue stripe base while a pink Sonic X logo tops it off. The right shirt features Amy with pink polka-dots…
    in Sonic X clothing

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Giveaway by Quaker Oats Digital Watch. It definately looks like a freebie item, despite the highly detailed band ...what is that floating red & white junk? Is it like Oat pieces or something? And what's Sonic doing running around in it? I guess if you got it for free though...
No one has yet provided a close enough photo to tell what's going on exactly with the design here.



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  • Region: America


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