• 2 Modern Sonic Ankle Socks
    2 Modern Sonic Ankle Socks
    Here are 2 different pairs of Sonic themed Ankle Socks. These socks are sized for kids OR adults, so anyone can wear them! The first pair has modern jumping Sonic with yellow stars, and the second has modern back jumping Sonic with the ring w/stars & his name in black…
    in Modern clothing

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a 3 pencil pack

Photo credit: SegaFreak

Tags: Japan Pencil

A 3-Pencil Pack.
This is simply a carded pack of 3 ordinary Sonic theme pencils. In a somewhat unusual touch (for Japan) these actually have erasers. Finger waving stock Art Sonic is repeated all over every white pencil, and several stock arts are on the card packaging. What does it say at the top? "Pencils". The bottom just has Sega Copyright. 

Additional Info

  • Region: Asia


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