• Sonic X comic
    Sonic X comic
    The Sonic X comic made for a nice tie-in with the show, however, it's ability to last was ALWAYS limited. Sonic X (TV) had a very linear plot, moving from A to Z with adventures in-between. (Sonic & co. getting stuck on Earth, and their main quest to be getting…
    in Comic Book

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Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) Tags: TODO

Here's a usual item, it's Sonic 2006 (aka Sonic 360) for the PS3, but look inside...the disk is yellow! In the USA, all the game disks have an extreme crop/close up of Sonic's face on the surface, this one is just yellow with the logo. It isn't special, it's just that all the disk art for this game in Australia and Europe was chosen to be this yellow background, with the logo. it is interesting to look at none-the-less. 


TODO: Make some sort of game page? 


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