• 8x 90s Classic Sonic shirts
    8x 90s Classic Sonic shirts
     This tee has a similar theme to the sweatshirt on Classic 2. This time, Sonic is holding Tails' hand pulling him along as he breaks through checkered 'bricks' wall. The art for this shirt was seldom-used. Look how cute the Tails looks, since this was made in 1993, this must…
    in Classic Clothing

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SegaSonic enamel gold keychains

Photo credit: Alessandro

Tags: Keychain SegaSonic Japan

Enamel keychains are pretty common, but these have an unusual twist: Two kinds of enamel (thick clear, and red) over a silghtly 3D design. Finger waving Sonic, Standing tails and the same leaping Eggman are on each of the 3 chains. The thick clear enamel covers the 3D-ness of the design, keeping it (and the red shiny enamel) safe from wear among keys. 

There's also a blue set which is identical, except for the fact that here, the enamel is a dark, navy blue instead of red. 

Additional Info

  • Region: Asia


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