• Small yellow kids shirt
    Small yellow kids shirt
    This small yellow shirt is a kids piece from Tesco in 2009/2010. It has a stack of Sonic's name in blues & red, with thumbs up modern Sonic down the side.
    in Modern clothing

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What is this mystery multi pack?
It seems to be that Jazwares is releasing First4Figures' mini PVC classics to stores, but under their own name. F4F does not appear anywhere on the box, though these are their sculpts, so they must of completely sold off the right to do this, somehow.

Because both JW & F4F are good sculptors, the figures are as expected, quite nice and classic. Again, they did not bother to scale Amy, though they did scale Tails. Metal & Super Sonic are the only ones really 'in a pose' but everyone looks pretty decent. They even detailed in Amy's shoe laces & hair tie bottom. These figures are just solid plastic, you can't pose them. They all stand well, & display nicely in the box (which has a clear top) or loose. 

Sonic 20th anniversary 6 pack boxart

The box back uses the 'neo classic look' stock art for each character, but does not represent any of the figure's actual poses. (though Amy & Tails' pose are quite cute on the art!) This should be about $19.99 & available at Toys R Us & Target stores in Fall 2011

Opinion zone:
The weakest figure here is Tails, his pose is boring, and the face is 'off'. He's not quite cute. Sonic & Knuckles also suffer from dull poses (like Sonic tried hands on hips but failed with noodle-arms instead) They also have "center of pupil eye shine spot" which doesn't look good and never has. It needs to be off-set like it is in ALL the art there ever is for these guys.
Obviously, JW wasn't going to re-sculpt or re-size Amy, even though that was the biggest beef out of F4F. CERTAINLY this will be the least expensive way to grab this set, so DO go and buy it if you want it in any way at all. F4F stuff is good, but you can skip shipping (F4F only sells online) when you just run out and buy this.

Classic AmyClassic KnucklesClassic Metal SonicClassic SonicClassic Super SonicClassic Tails

All above photo's by Taaron


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