• Karting Sonic plushes
    Karting Sonic plushes
    Cute and silly!This is a "UFO Catcher/Claw Game" prize toy. It's a mini Sonic plush who is riding on a plastic go-kart and waving! The giant smile-mouth and mini car make this a rather charming addition to your collection...if you can find it. Since you actually had to WIN this…
    in Japanese plushes

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Juvi figure concept art Tags: JUVI Prototype

This is the concept art that Jazwares presented for the JUVI figures. With how it looks, you can def. see how the line got approved. However, this also proves that items on paper can look better than when realized in 3D. This even, despite the problem that all their heads got attached facing almost straight down on the first run of the figures.

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  • Region: Unknown


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