• Sonic Adventure era chibi figure
    Sonic Adventure era chibi figure
    What a curious little item this is. It's another odd "Chibi" sort-of styled Sonic...something. It likely "does" something, although it is difficult to determine exactly what it is for, with just these photos. As you can see, it doesn't sit directly on the ground, meaning there's something underneath it. Could…
    in Display Items

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More Amy! To the left, 3 circles highlight 3 different Amys, with breezy happy (new!) Amy Rose at the top. The background has blue outline flowers on a white and blue stripe base while a pink Sonic X logo tops it off. The right shirt features Amy with pink polka-dots and stars, all arranged into a large heart shape over most of the shirt.

The words Sonic X Amy are used in a curling way to create further design elements for 'looking back' Amy. The text "Sonic X Amy" can also be interperated as a statement of relationship like "Vegita X Bulma" (DBZ) rather than "Sonic X" as it is likely meant. Amy would probably appriciate that, for this shirt!

Additional Info

  • Region: Europe


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